Nedine Human is super excited to join Horse Dynamics

Nedine Human with Horse

Nedine Human is super excited to join Horse Dynamics

Nedine is 21 years old with 11 years of riding experience. She has competed in every English discipline imaginable. Her main competitive focuses are showing, showjumping, dressage, and eventing.

  • She has competed up to 1m in showjumping.
  • She had a very successful first career in eventing up to 95cm.
  • She has done dressage at the novice level.
  • She has competed at the open showing level.

Nedine began her coaching career in 2022 by studying at Beaulieu Equestrian Academy to obtain her EQUSA qualifications. She is currently a level 4 instructor, working her way up to becoming a level 5 instructor.

Nedine has taken a few students to training shows where they have competed from poles on the ground to 1m classes, showing fantastic results. She believes that once a horse-rider combination is ready, they can be introduced to the showing ring and that there is no reason to rush for results.

Nedine has always had a passion for horses and sharing the knowledge she has gathered over the years. She is quite a modern trainer, focusing on building a relationship between the rider and the horse in the form of confidence building, taking basic care of horses before and after lessons, and bonding with the horse.

Nedine truly believes that you can never learn enough about this industry and absolutely loves furthering her education. She is currently doing her saddle fitting course to ensure all horses are comfortable when riding and is doing a horse bodywork course called the EMMETT technique.

Her main priority as a trainer and horseperson is to keep all people and horses safe, happy, and educated while having tons and tons of fun.