
Welcome Tyger Valley College

Horse Dynamics will be available during the 4th quarter in 2023 as an afternoon activity. Please sign up for this new offering by following the enrolment link Enrolment Form - Horse Dynamics If you would like more information, please contact Madeleen van Niekerk 0n 0827953267 or use the contact form to reach her by email Contact Us - Horse Dynamics


Horse of the Year 2023

EquesPro Bongela Horse of the Year 2023 Horse of the Year 2023 25 February 2023 | Nooitgedacht Lead Rein Show Pony & Working Riding Pony for Children 8yrs and under. Thanks to an amazing instructor, Kyla Brown and Driaan Fourie for riding Marmari Sally. They walked away with Nooitgedacht Reserve Champion title, congratulations!!


We now accept Credit Card payments

Select the 'Enrolment Payment' option from the menu at the top to pay online using your credit card, instant EFT or using Zapper. Month to month payments can only be done via a secure debit order. Use the 'Enrolment' option from the menu to start the enrolment process for 2020.


New Website

Our 2019 website has been launched! Our flickr gallery has been linked and our entry forms are now interactive. Thank you to Web Operations!